Michihamono Japanese Wood Carving Tool Large 18mm Straight Tsuki Nomi U Gouge, with Wooden Handle, to Carve Grooves in Woodworking | Goods Japan

Michihamono Japanese Wood Carving Tool Large 18mm Straight Tsuki Nomi U Gouge, with Wooden Handle, to Carve Grooves in Woodworking

This straight woodcarving gouge can be used in removing excess wood without the corner of the tool digging and getting stuck.

GBP 28.26 *
1 piece

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This outstanding wood carving gouge manufactured by Michihamono is made from high-quality White Paper Steel (Shirogami No. 2), named after the color of the paper wrapped around it to differentiate it from other steels. This type of steel is suitable for making high-end cutting tools due to its toughness and will hold an edge for a long time. This tool has a ferrule to prevent the tang from breaking out of the handle. The strong and ergonomic handle is made from cherry blossom wood.

A tool that lies between Michihamono's socket wood carving hand tools that extracts large amounts of wood, and its small wood carving tools for detailed carving. This tool is used for initial roughing out, removing large chunks of wood, quicker than flat gouges and chisels. It can also be used in shaping and establishing the main form of a wood sculpture. This Tsuki Nomi has a higher angle bevel and is more durable than finer wood carving tools.

Approximate Dimensions & Product Data:

  • Blade Material: White Paper Steel (Shirogami No. 2)
  • Blade Width: 18mm
  • Handle Material: Cherry Blossom Wood
  • Handle Length: 180mm
  • Overall Length: 240mm

Please note: The blade edge is sharp, keep out of the reach of children. Store without the blade contacting any hard surface to avoid dulling the cutting edge.

Photos with background grids are measured in millimetres, with each square representing one square millimetre.

Item ID 21170
Condition New
Model 61031800
Manufacturer Michihamono
Manufacturing country Japan
Net weight 40 g
Weight 140 g