Kyoshin Elle Japanese Leathercraft 10g Alcohol Based Maroon Red Powdered Oil Dye, for Dyeing Untreated Vegetable Tanned Leather | Goods Japan

Kyoshin Elle Japanese Leathercraft 10g Alcohol Based Maroon Red Powdered Oil Dye, for Dyeing Untreated Vegetable Tanned Leather

Up to 500ml of alcohol based oil dye in a convenient powdered form, ensuring low cost and easy transportation. Simply mix with alcohol to achieve a high quality oil dye for your untreated vegetable tanned leather.

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A stellar dye for leathercraft work, delivered as a powder for convenient transporting and storage. This powder production is strategic by manufacturers to cushion purchasers from expensive transport and storage costs attached to bottled dyes. What beats the ability to buy more powdered dye over a smaller quantity of bottled dye because of saved costs?

The dye in powder form is combined with colourless Denatured Alcohol (also called Methylated Spirits, Wood Spirit, or Denatured Rectified Spirit) to get a rich solution that treats your unprocessed vegetable tanned leather wholly and rapidly compared to dyes that are water-based. They also have the perk of rapid drying. By virtue of being in powder form, the buyer avoids the tough rules surrounding the transportation and storage of combustible liquid dyes and the likes.

Before treatment of your leather, you’ll need to mix one can of the dye in 500ml of colourless Denatured Alcohol(for bright hues, use less than 500ml ). Ensure that you mix them till you can’t find unmixed grains in the mixture. Let it rest for about an hour. When that is done, you can work your raw vegetable tanned leather using light strokes of a soft brush. For harmonized patterns, consider passing your brush in water before dipping it in your dye. In case you have unutilized dye mixture, an alcohol proof bottle is suitable.

It is possible to find some grains of the dye sitting at the base of the storage bottle after some time. In this case, ensure the insoluble grains don’t get to your leather during application of the dye to avoid lumpy inconsistencies on your work.

In terms of colours, you are spoilt for choice.

Please note: The powdered dye is meant to be mixed with colourless Denatured Alcohol exclusively (rubbing alcohol, or other kinds of alcohol are not suitable for this product) and the mixture used for treating vegetable-tanned leather alone. This dye should only be used on vegetable-tanned leather that has not been previously treated or dyed. Unfit for use on treated leather like those of handbags manufactured in factories, table tops, jackets, leather seats, car seats among other. The reason is that a good number of these things have been pre-dyed or pre-treated to discourage subsequent dyeing. There’s a great possibility of them having a plastic layer that inhibits uptake of the dye. However, it is possible to test whether the items can be dyed. Take what you refer as pre-treated or dyed leather and completely clean it using a recommended cleaning agent. Proceed by putting a drop of alcohol on the treated portion. You may need to rub in the alcohol gently. The results can go two ways: the leather absorbs the alcohol without ruining the leather or it ruins it. The first result indicates that the dye is suitable for the leather. Since impeccable results are not guaranteed on pre-treated or pre-dyed leather, it is prudent that you contact the manufacturer for information. A rule of thumb for us is that you always test the dye on a tiny portion of the item before deciding to dye the whole item, especially in the face of uncertainty of the suitability of the dye to the leather.

Item ID 19762
Condition New
Model 80006-05
Manufacturer Kyoshin Elle
Manufacturing country Japan
Net weight 40 g
Weight 140 g

JAN Code: 4580347781702

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